How to Use Spotify Audio Converter Freeware?
Spotify Music Converter Freeware is an all-in-one and user-friendly Spotify Music Downloader. With its help, you can download Spotify tracks/playlist to MP3, AAC, WAV, AIFF, ALAC or FLAC file quickly with a good quality.
First, you need to download and install Spotify Audio Converter Free on your Computer.
How to Download Spotify Music to MP3/AAC/WAV/FLAC/AIFF/ALAC?
Step 1. Launch Spotify Music Converter Freeware
Click Sidify desktop icon to launch Sidify Music Converter Free, you would see a simple and concise interface as follows:

Step 2. Drag Songs or Playlist link of Spotify to Sidify Music Converter Free
Click "+" button or click center of Sidify, a new adding music window would pop out. You can directly drag Spotify music to Sidify program or copy Spotify music URL from other sources to Sidify adding music window.
Tip: If you don't want to convert certain songs, please click "Remove" button to remove the music from Sidify main panel.

Step 3. Adjust Output Settings
After recognizing and adding the music files, click the "Settings" button on the upper-right corner, and then you can adjust output format, output audio quality and output directory. In setting window, you can choose output format (MP3, AAC, WAV, AIFF, ALAC, or FLAC) and output quality (320kbps, medium 256kbps, low 128kbps) or change the output folder as required. If you do not need to change output path, the output audio files will be saved under the default folder.

Step 4. Start Conversion
Once saving the settings, click "Convert" button to start conversion.

After conversion finished, you can find the converted audios by clicking "Converted" button.